These fine folks utilize Possum Pedals in some capacity or another! Spanning genres, geography, and experiences, what they all have in common is that they have found use for our little sonic contraptions. They all also happen to be incredible musicians!! Go check them out via the links below!!

Dry Ice

DryIce.jpeg Website Bandcamp Spotify
4 Piece Psychedelic Dream-Punk from Denver
"Dry Ice doesn’t just put on a show, they put on a performance! Combining psych-rock sounds with punk, dream pop, and shoegaze influences, Dry Ice blurs the lines between music and performance art brilliantly." -Jason K, Mean World Records

Saving Miles Lemon

SavingMilesLemon Bandcamp Spotify
Saving Miles Lemon is an incredible project by Mig Silva-Leon. Their celestial voice layers beautifully over psychedelic dream pop instrumentals, bringing you into a mindscape unlike anything else you've heard before.

Flower Crown Me A Queen

FCMAQ Bandcamp
Flower Crown Me A Queen is a queer folk punk duo based out of literally wherever we are! We like to play fast, get loud, and stick Skully's violin signal where it shouldn't be! Started acoustic, ending more like a noise band that happens to be playing string instruments.

Pretty. Loud.

Pretty.Loud. Bandcamp
From their bandcamp: "We put the FUN in executive dysFUNction, the H in ADHD, and the NI in maNIa...two keyboards, one drumkit, three friends, and zero chill. Anything could happen at the Pretty. Loud. show! Funk? Blues? Ska? Folk punk? Piano Ballads? Hip hop? Heavy headbangy breakdowns? PROBABLY! Plz stalk us online tysm!"

Rotten Reputation

rottenreputation Website Bandcamp Spotify
From their website: "Based in Denver, CO Rotten Reputation is a queer femme punk band blending ferocious feminist anthems with a raunchy irreverent sense of humor, all set to thunderous, grungy hardcore with a poppy edge."